Participatory Spirituality A Farewell to Authoritarian Religion John Heron 9781847287939 Books

This innovative book is a collage of overlapping views, each of which presents a distinct perspective on human spirituality as participating co-creatively in the life divine.You are invited to explore the text as a virtual conceptual reality, roaming freely among the chapters and pages, progressively generating a feeling for, and comprehension of, the whole. A diversity of presentations include the manifesto, the personal story, theology, metaphysics, epistemology, pathology, psychology, and practice.You are also invited to appropriate and adapt any of the author's ideas and integrate them in any way into any form of expression of your own spiritual vision. The author lays no claim to intellectual property rights with regard to the content of this book.With illustrations and front cover photo by the author.
Participatory Spirituality A Farewell to Authoritarian Religion John Heron 9781847287939 Books
John Heron's thinking and spiritual practices model for us subtle and profound ways for individuals to engage and understand the world. His spirituality integrates the four epistemological "windows" through which we feel, present those feelings and images to ourselves and others, name and understand the world of our experience, and practice that understanding. These four windows on the world are: Experiential, Presentational, Propositional, and Practical. This short book offers a map by which you can integrate these ways of knowing with spiritual depth, and then practice them privately, in dyads, and in groups.His teachings of spiritual practice cluster into three kinds of practice - enlivenment, engagement, and enlightenment - and two modes of each kind. Those modes are: "attuned reception" and "expressive action." The examples he gives are sparse, and this is my main critique of the book. I would have much preferred that he tell elucidating stories and give abundant illustrations to engage me in his explication of "Participatory Spirituality." But he did not. He did not even offer that experiential view in the one section - his own journal entries - in which one would have expected sensate language and personal narratives.
He tries, but does not succeed, because when John Heron writes he is constantly presenting a logos. He tells us ABOUT the spirituality, rather than taking us INTO the spiritual realms through story and poetic vision. He seems more wedded to presenting a consistently thought out spirituality - which he does quite well - than taking us on the actual spiritual journey.
There is no question that John Heron - the co-inventor (with Peter Reason) of "Cooperative Inquiry" and "Action Research" - is a brilliant, creative, and quite progressive therapist and thinker. But he leaves me wanting.
Heron's book is more for those who wish to gather their thoughts about spirituality and theology than for those who seek experiential guidance on the spiritual path. As a spiritual and theological map, however, this book is a masterpiece of integration. He synthesizes wisdom from a host of sages, and from his own decades-long spiritual journey, thereby yielding an exceptional and very accessible volume for those of us who reflect often on the spiritual path. Hence my strong recommendation of this book.
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Tags : Participatory Spirituality: A Farewell to Authoritarian Religion [John Heron] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This innovative book is a collage of overlapping views, each of which presents a distinct perspective on human spirituality as participating co-creatively in the life divine.You are invited to explore the text as a virtual conceptual reality,John Heron,Participatory Spirituality: A Farewell to Authoritarian Religion,,184728793X,General,Religion,Religion - Socialissues,Religion General,Religion: general
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Participatory Spirituality A Farewell to Authoritarian Religion John Heron 9781847287939 Books Reviews
I have followed John Heron's development for the last few years, after reading the earlier Sacred Science. After the period of state-supported mono-religions, after the Reformation, after the era of the mixing of world religions and the emergence of authoritarian cults, we needed something completely different.A bottom-up, peer to peer, way to search for truth together. Jorge Ferrer provided some of the theology, Heron provided the practice of cooperative inquiry, but here in this volume we finally have both elements together, a theory and a practice. I therefore have no hesitation in calling this a landmark book. What could be more important for an individual than the spiritual search for meaning? What could be more important for a civilization than the ability to do this in a democratic and participative way. The demand was there, but until reading this book, we were largely groping in the dark. No more.
John Heron's thinking and spiritual practices model for us subtle and profound ways for individuals to engage and understand the world. His spirituality integrates the four epistemological "windows" through which we feel, present those feelings and images to ourselves and others, name and understand the world of our experience, and practice that understanding. These four windows on the world are Experiential, Presentational, Propositional, and Practical. This short book offers a map by which you can integrate these ways of knowing with spiritual depth, and then practice them privately, in dyads, and in groups.
His teachings of spiritual practice cluster into three kinds of practice - enlivenment, engagement, and enlightenment - and two modes of each kind. Those modes are "attuned reception" and "expressive action." The examples he gives are sparse, and this is my main critique of the book. I would have much preferred that he tell elucidating stories and give abundant illustrations to engage me in his explication of "Participatory Spirituality." But he did not. He did not even offer that experiential view in the one section - his own journal entries - in which one would have expected sensate language and personal narratives.
He tries, but does not succeed, because when John Heron writes he is constantly presenting a logos. He tells us ABOUT the spirituality, rather than taking us INTO the spiritual realms through story and poetic vision. He seems more wedded to presenting a consistently thought out spirituality - which he does quite well - than taking us on the actual spiritual journey.
There is no question that John Heron - the co-inventor (with Peter Reason) of "Cooperative Inquiry" and "Action Research" - is a brilliant, creative, and quite progressive therapist and thinker. But he leaves me wanting.
Heron's book is more for those who wish to gather their thoughts about spirituality and theology than for those who seek experiential guidance on the spiritual path. As a spiritual and theological map, however, this book is a masterpiece of integration. He synthesizes wisdom from a host of sages, and from his own decades-long spiritual journey, thereby yielding an exceptional and very accessible volume for those of us who reflect often on the spiritual path. Hence my strong recommendation of this book.

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