Biblical Catholic Eucharistic Theology Dave Armstrong 9781312367401 Books

Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong has compiled his writing on the Eucharist & the Sacrifice of the Mass into a Scripture-packed 23 chapters and 222 pages. Among the topics covered are 1) the special presence of God in physical objects in the Ot, 2) comparison of the indwelling & the Real Presence, 3) doubting disciples in the eucharistic discourse of John 6, 4) exclusion of non-Catholics from Catholic communion, 5) St. Augustine's & John Calvin's views, 6) the Church fathers on the Sacrifice of the Mass, 7) St. Paul's "priestly" references, 8) biblical, analogical arguments for the Sacrifice of the Mass, 9) the Protestant "idolatry" accusation, and 10) biblical evidence for wholehearted formal, liturgical worship. The facts of Church history are also examined in depth, with much corroboration from Protestant scholarly sources. Armstrong's explanations help to make Catholic teachings on the Holy Eucharist & the Mass understandable, plausible, & easily harmonized with the teaching of the Bible.
Biblical Catholic Eucharistic Theology Dave Armstrong 9781312367401 Books
Amazing book. All of Dave's stuff is awesome. He nails down the hard questions that get thrown your way as a Catholic and uncovers biblical answers you never knew were there. Highly recommended.Product details

Tags : Biblical Catholic Eucharistic Theology [Dave Armstrong] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong has compiled his writing on the Eucharist & the Sacrifice of the Mass into a Scripture-packed 23 chapters and 222 pages. Among the topics covered are: 1) the special presence of God in physical objects in the Ot,Dave Armstrong,Biblical Catholic Eucharistic Theology,,1312367407,Christianity,Christianity - General,Religion - Church History,Religion Christianity General
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Biblical Catholic Eucharistic Theology Dave Armstrong 9781312367401 Books Reviews
Thank you Dave Armstrong for another book that concisely and understandably takes a subject so incredibly rich and deep and makes it more accessible to the layman without sacrificing richness and substance.
The beauty of these Truths that are foreshadowed in the passover and the sacrifice of Melchizedek of the Old Testament (and others) and come to the rich fruition in the Archetype of the Bread of Life discourse of John chapter 6 and the eternal wedding Feast of the Lamb of God left me in awe of what great privilege we are offered. I am more deeply realizing the incredible and unimaginable self-giving love of our Messiah that was the occasion for those that were blessed enough to finally recognize the risen Christ only in the breaking of the Bread on the road to Emmaus.
Dave Armstrong has written a powerful book that demonstrates the continuity between the LITERAL words of Jesus and the way the Church has alswys understood them. The Eucharistic elements were NEVER understood as mere representations of Christ until the disobedience and rebellion of the Protestant Deformation with its attendant Gnosticism and Manichean fear of the material led arrogant pundits to reject the clear words of Christ and replace the historic Catholic faith with human scruples and skepticism.
Real Christians believe the LITERAL words of Jesus, not the half-hearted dissembling of the Protestant apostates. As Jesus said, "Unless you eat teh flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you will have no life within you" (John 6). I stand on the workds of Jesus himself and I have no need of Protestants.
To get the real story of what the Eucharist truly means, read Dave Armstrong's book and let those who lack faith perish by the wayside.
The problem with Mr Armstrong is that he teaches Catholic cannibalism.Or the teaching of feeding on literal flesh and drinking literal blood.But in this case it is Jesus Christ who was crucified, buried and rose from the dead over 2,000 years ago. Where did Jesus go according to the bible? Back to his father who resides in heaven. But Mr Armstrong says, oh no, this can't be, I eat him at every Catholic mass LITERALLY. And I may add he also eats away at his divinity.For the Roman church says that the priest changes the wafer into not just the flesh of Christ, but his divinity as well.
Many of the early church fathers misunderstood Jesus' words when he said, "This is my body" and this cup is "my blood which will be shed for you". They also understood it literally and they were wrong. Jesus was speaking of the bread and wine as REPRESENTING his body and blood that he was to give to the world the NEXT day and not at the time he was with his disciples. Many times Jesus would use representative phrases such as "I am the door","I am the Vine" etc.But Jesus wasn't a literal door or literal vine. He was speaking of representing those things. This is the problem with Mr Armstrong and his writings. He simply is out of touch with reality and distorts scripture to its worst conclusions
Amazing book. All of Dave's stuff is awesome. He nails down the hard questions that get thrown your way as a Catholic and uncovers biblical answers you never knew were there. Highly recommended.

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